Chris Jones
Chris Jones (b. 1975, Preston, England) lives and works in London, England. Jones creates sculptures composed of fragmented images from magazines and used books that are beautiful, frightening, and exquisitely detailed: a macabre headless horse, a 19th century stagecoach, a disheveled TV.
Jones’ work mimics the way in which we assimilate and process the world using our own personal histories and memories as a base to develop new connections. Jones has called on his own memories (through an art historic lens) and the viewers are in turn prompted to call upon their past to create their own personal stories as they relate to these wondrous pieces.
In the Sunday New York Times review of Jones’ 2012 one-person exhibit, Ben Genocchio wrote, “No reproduction can convey the experience of encountering this work. It creates its own environment. Inspiring a sense of enchantment and awe. And the feeling persists the longer you hang around.”
Jones' work reminds that everything around us comes with a deeply embedded history and a multitude of stories to tell- that is, if we pay close enough attention.
Chris Jones earned an MA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, London 2002. Jones was awarded an artist residency at the Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art (Peekskill, NY) in 2008, followed by a solo show at the museum. Jones has participated in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. Notable museum presentations include the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, NYU, New York; The Oakland University Art Gallery, Michigan; Prague Biennial; Manchester Art Gallery; and the Knoxville Art Museum.
Chris Jones & Clive Smith
From Cellar to GarretApril 25 - May 24, 2024Lower East SideRead moreChris Jones
February 17 - April 16, 2022Lower East SideRead moreDuck Soup
September 17 - October 2, 2020Lower East SideRead moreChris Jones
January 9 - February 10, 2019Lower East SideRead moreThe White Heat
June 3 - July 14, 2017Lower East SideRead moreChris Jones
October 23 - December 11, 2016Lower East SideRead moreXigue – Xigue
July 2 - August 1, 2014Lower East SideRead moreChris Jones
May 4 - June 22, 2014Lower East SideRead moreOn Deck
July 11 - August 23, 2013Lower East SideRead moreChris Jones
February 15 - March 18, 2012Lower East SideRead more