Not For All My Little Words

30 March - 27 April 2014

Curated by Tim Hawkinson

The perpetual struggle to find the right words to communicate meaning is often tantamount to shouting into a void. Trying to connect with a too-huge world frequently hinges on achieving a carefully balanced tone to allow recipients to read between the lines and grasp deeper, more subtle messages than those actually contained in the words.


This exhibition assembles artworks featuring language that remains ambiguous. Statements that at first seem stern and commanding, but after further consideration begin to hover on the edge of playfulness. Works with wry, absurdist humor that come to feel darkly critical over time. The most mysterious are the shortest phrases where the least context is given and individual viewers are challenged to complete the stories based on their own experiences.


Featuring Works From:
Matthew Barney
Andrew Kuo
Robert Barry
Cary Leibowitz
Birgit Brenner
Rick Levinson
Rita Sobral Campos
Roy Lichtenstein
Nigel Cooke
Bruce Nauman
Marcel Dzama
Catherine Opie
Andrew Guenther
Alex Pollard
Trenton Doyle Hancock
Jon Pylypchuk
Matthew Higgs
David Rathman